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17 September 2018

Things we believe in have two qualities

The weather has turned from summer to fall. 
The cold evening, wet morning and warm dry day. 
This is the best time of year and it reminds me of many of the best moments of my life - all of which occurred in the fall.

I am feeling a bit a drift of late. While it really did not happen gradually, it has take quite sometime for it to sink in - there is nothing left for me to believe in. Whatever good that was in my world is gone. Not misplaced and all I need to do find it. No, gone. I have discovered that the things we believe in have two qualities;
  1. they are not the choice that we are often urged to think and,
  2. they are finite and non-renewable.

I believe the second point was the most stunning thing to realize. If more people knew that, they might consume the thing(s) believe in more diligently.

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